Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Project Supervisors...

Mr S and myself were in the shed until very late last night. Mr S was doing some work on a Early XK falcon he is restoring and I was painting my project..It got so late that the supervisors needed a nap while waiting for us to finish...
I have a couple of final touches to make tomorrow and then I will be posting before and after pictures of my Project!!! Yipee.....
Head on over to Curly Pops to see her fabric stashes!!!


Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

What a great team you have there.

Mary said...

Great supervisors. I'm looking forward to seeing your new project. I enjoy making old furniture look new again and have another project that I want to do before Christmas.

Thanks for dropping by and posting on my Tackle it Tuesday post. So glad to meet you. Please stop by when you can.


Kym said...

I'd love to see pics of your XK Falcon if you have any. I'm restoring one too. You can check it out on my blog at xkfalcon.blogspot.com

Nice cats too!