Wednesday, October 8, 2008

On my desk on a wednesday! Blogtoberfest Day 8...

On my desk on a wednesday, I have my new sewing machine, a little case that I am storing my sewing stuff in (tape,cotton etc). Some material left from lastnights project. Some new glue and tape that I took out of the packaging, now to find somewhere to keep it! hmm..

Floral print remnant from Spotlight $1.00..

I made a small mat? to cover the rust stain on the Cabinet I painted last week. Muchos Better..

If you would like to join in On my Desk head on over to Kootoyoo! If you would like to join in Blogtoberfest then check out Bigcats Emporium...


CurlyPops said...

Very even looks nice and square!

Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

Well I now have some fine Elvis fabric on my desk. You made me smile today when Curlypops told me she had something from you for me. I knew straight away. Thank you.